A divorce can be complicated and unpredictable. A divorce may commonly involve but is not be limited to issues such as Alimony, Child Custody/Visitation, Child Support, and the distribution of Marital Property.
A divorce is uncontested when both spouses agree on the dissolution of the marriage, the distribution of marital property, and child(ren) custody details. A divorce becomes contested when the spouses have very different ideas on how the marriage should end, disagree on the distribution of marital property, and do not agree on the details of child(ren) custody.
Uncontested Divorce: An uncontested divorce (also known as Collaborative Divorce) is a much easier process. In an Uncontested Divorce, both spouses agree on or are willing to work out the details of the divorce. Even though an Uncontested Divorce is more straightforward, takes less time to complete, and may cost significantly less than a contested divorce, the divorce is not final until the Judge agrees to the settlement presented. After the Judge approves the terms of the agreement, the Judge signs the divorce decree.
Contested Divorce: In contested divorces, the family law court usually orders mediation. During mediation, a Mediator, both spouses and their respective attorneys, are present. The Family Law Judge neither attends nor participate in the mediation process.
Mediation provides both parties an opportunity to negotiate reasonable resolutions to the contested issues. If the parties reach an agreement, then they present the terms of their agreement to the court. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement, however, the case is set for trial. At trial, the Judge determines the outcome of any outstanding issues.
Because the divorce process can be very complicated, it's vital to seek the legal advice and representation of experienced legal counsel. The Soto Law Office, P.A. is a dynamic and trustworthy law firm that serves the Family Law legal needs of those in Central Florida. Our team listens, cares, and provides excellent client service.
In every step of the Divorce, The Soto Law Office P.A. will explain the process, represent you, and present details and arguments on your behalf to show the Judge that your position is both sound and reasonable. When children are involved, it's crucial to emphasize points that are in the best interest of the child(ren).
Contact Attorney Kimberly M. Soto and her staff at 321.972.2279 to discuss your divorce issues or any other needs you may have.