Making Your Voice Heard: The Importance of Advance Healthcare Directives
There are many decisions that need to be made when it comes to healthcare. Some of these decisions can be made ahead of time through advance healthcare directives. Advance healthcare directives allow you to make your wishes known about your healthcare in the event that you are unable to make decisions for yourself. This can be a valuable tool to ensure that your voice is heard, even when you are not able to speak for yourself.
Leaving This World in a Dignified Manner
Many people recognize that prolonging the inevitable is not always the best choice. Some would rather exit this world in a peaceful, dignified manner than existing for months in a semi-conscious, pain-ridden state. Although this can be very difficult to think about, advance directives give you the power to make this decision for yourself rather than allowing a doctor to make it for you. By default, doctors will do everything in their power to keep you alive for as long as possible. This is due to their oath to “do no harm.” But if you make your wishes clear prior to becoming incapacitated, they will honor them. For example, you might want to be taken off life support rather than existing in a vegetative state for the rest of your life.
Do Not Force Your Family Members to Make Tough Decisions
Without advance directives, your family members may be forced to make incredibly difficult decisions on your behalf. You can save them from the stress of making these choices, and this may make it easier for them to deal with your passing. Without advance directives, your family members may feel a sense of regret or guilt about the decisions they were forced to make on your behalf. Advance directives allow them to move forward with a sense of peace, knowing that your decisions were honored.
Adhere to Your Religious Beliefs
If you have important religious values that must be respected as you prepare to leave this world, an advance directive ensures that these steps are followed properly. For example, an advance directive can outline your wish to receive the Last Rites in accordance with Catholic beliefs. This can provide you with an immense sense of spiritual peace, knowing that no matter what happens, your religious preferences will be respected as you move into the next world.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Estate Planning Attorney in Orlando?
If you have been searching for a qualified, experienced estate planning attorney in Orlando, look no further than The Soto Law Office, P.A. We know that advance healthcare directives can be difficult to discuss, but we’re here to guide you through this process in a confident, dignified manner. You’ll find that making these decisions is easy with a qualified attorney at your side. After establishing your advance care directives, you may experience peace of mind as you get on with the important task of living your life to the fullest. Book a consultation today to get started with an effective action plan.