Do you have a formal or written time-sharing schedule in place with the biological parent of your child (ren)?
Do you know what your visitation rights are with your child(ren)?
Do you know what the other parent's visitation rights are?
One of the often highly contested issues in a divorce is whom the child(ren) will reside with primarily. Both parents often have very different ideas as to who will provide a more stable home for their child(ren). These child Custody/Visitation issues may come up at any time. They may become part of the divorce proceedings, enforcement or contempt proceedings, part of a relocation petition, or even involve the modification of a standing family law court order.
Family law court Judges rely upon the current Florida Child Custody Guidelines to make their decisions regarding visitation and child custody issues. Before they render a decision, they listen to all of the arguments presented in the case also take into consideration what is in the best interest of the child (ren).
Common factors considered in Child Custody hearings may include, but are not limited to:
Emotional ties between the child and both parents;
The physical and mental health of each parent;
The ability of each parent to adequately and consistently provide for the child's daily basic needs;
Both parents' choice to adhere to a child custody agreement which promotes frequent and consistent contact between the child and both parents.
The Soto Law Office, P.A. is a dynamic and trustworthy law firm that serves the Family Law legal needs of those in Central Florida. Our team listens, cares, and provides excellent client service.
Contact Attorney Kimberly M. Soto and her staff at 321.972.2279 to discuss all your issues related to child custody, visitation, parenting, or time-sharing plans.